Notepad++ 32 & 64 Bit Horizontal Ruler Plugin

What is it?

An English language version of a Horizontal Ruler Plugin for Notepad++ 32 or 64 Bit.


Where can I get it?

32 Bit Version: Download NppHorizontalRuler.dll Here

64 Bit Version: Download NppHorizontalRuler.dll Here

Who did it?

I spent quite a while looking for a horizontal ruler and eventually found a plugin created by someone in Japan.  It was functional but I couldn’t read the settings as they were written in Japanese.

Thank you to two people who helped make this possible, this is incredibly useful and you’ve helped many people.

Jeffery Grossman who helped translate and reupload the 32 bit version.

Also thank you to Rory Apperson for making this plugin 64 bit compatible.


Link to Original:

Why do I want this?

Useful plugin to add a ruler to the top of the Notepad++ Interface.

When was this last tested?

Verified the plugin works on Notepad++ 32 bit version 7.6.4 – March 6, 2019.

Verified the plugin works on Notepad++ 64 bit version 7.7 – May 30, 2019.

How do I install it?

  1. Download the NppHorizontalRuler.dll file from the link above
  2. Drop plugin .dll into place:
    1. 32 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\
    2. 64 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\7.6.4_2
  3. Close Notepad++.  Drop the NppHorizontalRuler.dll file into the folder you just created.
  4. Open Notepad++.
  5. To enable the ruler: Go to Plugins menu > Horizontal Ruler > RulerToggle7.6.4_1



Notepad++ 32 & 64 Bit Horizontal Ruler Plugin

59 thoughts on “Notepad++ 32 & 64 Bit Horizontal Ruler Plugin

  1. Tony says:

    You can control the size of ruler by the the options.
    The first one is fix size.
    The second one is that you can choice the size what ever you want.


    1. You are 100% correct – per the official Npp website: “Note that the most of plugins (including Plugin Manager) are not yet available in x64”. I’ve updated the post regarding this. Thanks!


      1. Honestly, I’m not the developer and it’s not my plugin. The poster above doesn’t own the code either, he just helped everyone by translating to english.

        You’d think there would be a plugin like this already available but I looked for months until I stumbled on this Japanese website that had this. I’ve used it for many years now and I have no intention of writing a new one, submitting it anywhere or doing anything more than providing a spot to keep it accessible for free.

        It’s been downloaded many, many, many times now from what I can tell and I’ve used it for years with no issues. I’m just keeping it alive to help others like me.


  2. I’ve modified the sources to run with Notepad++ x64. Fairly easy: Add x64 Build Configuration and change the return type of function “OptionDlgProc” to INT_PTR in “NppHorizontalRuler.cpp” and “NppHorizontalRuler.h”. Compiled without a problem (VS2013).

    Liked by 2 people

  3. really important says:

    the posted plug-in has a bug: it doesn’t zoom properly when the text window has been zoomed with mouse wheel. To adapt the zoom of the ruler you have to change to another file and return back, only than the ruler zooms in turn


  4. Robert says:

    Love it – but one huge change request… Is there any way we can get the ruler to start on 1 instead of 0? Or give the option for that? This is the only ruler I know of where the 10s are to the left of the ruler breaks. For instance, to the LEFT of the first big line ruler break is the 10th column, but the RIGHT of the same marker is the number 10. It is counter intuitive.


  5. Like says:

    Hi Joe,

    I just realize it needs to create a folder “NppHorizontalRuler” under C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins and put NppHorizontalRuler.dll in the new folder to make it work. It doesn’t work to put NppHorizontalRuler.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins any longer.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the update. I did some quick testing in a VM and agree that this is how it must be done now. I will update the page to explain that.


    1. Bryce, unfortunately this plugin was originally made many years ago and is only compatible with the 32-bit version. There are no plans from me to create a 64 bit version.


    1. RORYAP: Thank you so much for doing this. I’ve updated the links above and added the 64 bit installation instructions and updated tested version.

      I also gave you credit of course for this version. If you prefer me to use a different name other than your username, please reach out to me and let me know. Again, thank you.


  6. Hugh says:

    Awesome ! Many many thanks for doing this. Save me the work of doing this. Not having a ruler one a pet “peeves” about Notepad++


  7. Thanks , very useful !

    Just one question :
    step : 2. Drop plugin .dll into place:

    it says :
    1. 32 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\
    2. 64 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\

    shouldn’t that be :
    1. 32 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\
    2. 64 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\


    1. Carsten Höhmann says:

      Hi, for the HorizontalRuler I was very surprised. It looks good.

      But it is not compatible to the actual version of Notepad ++.

      Please, can you work for an update?

      Thanks a lot



      1. I just installed the latest version of Notepad++ (v7.9.5) , and the HorizontalRuler works just fine .

        What do you mean with “it is not compatible to the actual version” ?
        Have you installed the correct version (32-bit or 64-bit) ?
        In the correct folder (see my previous reply) ?


  8. Carsten Höhmann says:


    it was my mistake. I had loaded the 32 bit version for a 64 bit Notepad. That can not work!

    So I have load the right version. And it works. Thanks a lot.

    Do you think, it would be fine, to add the numbers 32 or 64 into the filename to avoid the mistake?




  9. sh says:

    Would be nice to have possibility to change background color, there is by default white. Thats annoying for dark themes 😦
    Can anyone help?


  10. Pete Gomersall says:

    Looks like the plugin is crashing Notepad++ 8.4 x64; at least on my Windows 11 22000 system. Without loading the ruler Notepad++ is stable.


    1. Thanks for commenting and confirming. I’ll update the site with the information so other’s know and see if there is something that can be done.


  11. Luc Verhoeven says:

    Doesn’t work anymore NPP 8.4.* with files with long lines (breaks down because of Scintilla returning different length of string)


  12. Gert says:

    For all of you who encountered problems with this nice plugin: Try the ColumnTools plugin, it comes with a ruler that was taken from the HorizontalRuler plugin.
    Works well also with NPP 8.4.4


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