Notepad++ 32 & 64 Bit Horizontal Ruler Plugin

What is it?

An English language version of a Horizontal Ruler Plugin for Notepad++ 32 or 64 Bit.


Where can I get it?

32 Bit Version: Download NppHorizontalRuler.dll Here

64 Bit Version: Download NppHorizontalRuler.dll Here

Who did it?

I spent quite a while looking for a horizontal ruler and eventually found a plugin created by someone in Japan.  It was functional but I couldn’t read the settings as they were written in Japanese.

Thank you to two people who helped make this possible, this is incredibly useful and you’ve helped many people.

Jeffery Grossman who helped translate and reupload the 32 bit version.

Also thank you to Rory Apperson for making this plugin 64 bit compatible.


Link to Original:

Why do I want this?

Useful plugin to add a ruler to the top of the Notepad++ Interface.

When was this last tested?

Verified the plugin works on Notepad++ 32 bit version 7.6.4 – March 6, 2019.

Verified the plugin works on Notepad++ 64 bit version 7.7 – May 30, 2019.

How do I install it?

  1. Download the NppHorizontalRuler.dll file from the link above
  2. Drop plugin .dll into place:
    1. 32 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\
    2. 64 bit: Create the folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppHorizontalRuler\7.6.4_2
  3. Close Notepad++.  Drop the NppHorizontalRuler.dll file into the folder you just created.
  4. Open Notepad++.
  5. To enable the ruler: Go to Plugins menu > Horizontal Ruler > RulerToggle7.6.4_1



Notepad++ 32 & 64 Bit Horizontal Ruler Plugin